Xi'an Mei Xing Ling Yu Trading Co., Ltd.

Yoni Pearls: Everything You Need to Know

Marketed as detoxifiers for uterus or vagina, yoni pearls are a bunch of herbs wrapped in a cloth that is inserted inside the vagina for supposed health benefits. Health experts do not report any proven benefits and the length of time they are left in the vagina is a concerning matter. Do not take any risks with your reproductive or vaginal health, and use products that claim to do wonders and get rid of any problems you are going through. Schedule an appointment with the experienced and board-certified gynecologists at the Century Medical and Dental Center for confidential healthcare advice. The top specialists in NY help with female health, the reproductive system, and sexual problems and provide the best care for your overall health and wellbeing.

What Are Yoni Pearls?

Yoni pearls are presented as a vaginal detox or vaginal cleanse. They contain multiple herbs wrapped in small mesh cloth, known as “gems” or “pearls.” People use them by inserting them into the vagina, sometimes for over 24 hours. They are also known as vaginal pearls, herbal tampons, and vaginal detox pearls.

People who sell yoni pearls claim them to be very beneficial as they can treat a variety of health conditions. They include “toxin buildup” from menstrual products or past sexual partners, yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis (BV), and even fibroids and cysts. However, everything you hear should not be believed as truth is far more complicated than this, and they are not what they are made to believe.

What Are Yoni Pearls Made up Of – Ingredients of Yoni Pearl

The common ingredients present in these detox products include herbs such as:

  • Motherwort;
  • Rhubarb;
  • Peach kernel;
  • Safflower;
  • Borneol;
  • Angelica root.

The yoni pearl ingredients are herbal that has been used as medicines for years. Even today, many primary ingredients in medications come from plants and herbs. However, just because they work when they are taken orally or applied in the form of creams or pastes does not mean they are safe or effective for use in the vagina, the most sensitive place in a female body.

Yoni peals have not been approved by the Food and Drug Authority. It means that there are no reports or research regarding their effectiveness.

Cleaning Your Vagina – Is It the Right Thing to Do?

Doctors are strongly against cleaning vagina. According to gynecologists, there is no reason to detox your vagina or uterus as they self-clean themselves. It is the most significant information you need to keep in mind before trying out anything. Vagina can cleanse itself through natural secretions and balance its pH level without outside interference. Attempting to change the natural environment of the vagina can lead to more harm than good.

Vaginas naturally contain some bacteria, and they are healthy bacteria. These bacteria actually protect your vagina from harmful infections and balance the pH levels. In trying to detox your vagina, with products such as yoni pearls or vaginal douches, you end up killing the good bacteria. It affects your body’s natural defense and throws your vaginal bacterial balance out of work, leading to infections and other problems.

Are Yoni Pearls Safe?

Yoni peals cannot be considered safe as leaving things in your vagina for long periods can be dangerous. Bacteria build-up on objects, resulting in a rare, but serious medical condition called toxic shock syndrome.

Doctors advise against leaving a tampon inside the vagina for more than 8 hours, as it could lead to toxic shock syndrome. People selling yoni peals recommend leaving them in for 24 to 72 hours, which is too much time. It can be dangerous and could lead to pelvic inflammatory disease.

In addition to this, the roughness of the mesh cloth can scratch your vaginal wall and cause chronic irritation that is no fun or easy to treat. Talk to a specialist about any concerns you might have, instead of going after products that are controversial and may result in serious, and sometimes life-threatening bacterial infections.

The Discharge After Pearls – Is It a Good Sign?

The discharge after the yoni pearls are inserted and left inside the vagina is not a good sign. As shown in the testimonial photos, the thick grey discharge is labeled as a sign that it has worked its magic. In reality, the fouls smelling discharge, that is green, grey, or yellow, can be a sign of infection. It is not a sign that the pearls have worked, but that they have irritated your vagina, and it has led to some complications.

Not only this, but the yoni pearl’s mesh cloth can also lead to the development of new bacteria in your vagina. As they sit in your vagina, the new and old bacteria grow. Vaginal discharge may also build up and lead to extra discharge and a foul smell. It can lead to infections that turn serious.

Cramping is a commonly experienced side effect of yoni pearls. When there is something in your vagina or uterus that your body considers alien, the uterus contract and tries to push it out. It is similar to periods when the uterus pushes out the blood and tissue. Sometimes these contractions can cause a painful cramp. Leaving yoni peals in the vagina for a long time can result in cramps as the body will not accept it and try to push it out.

Post time:Sep-25-2020

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